France plans crackdown on fraud around obligatory energy ratings for homes All homes being sold or let need an up-to-date DPE
Property prices rising in France but buyers still negotiating New figures suggest that it is still a ‘buyer’s market’ - but this may not last
See how long it takes to sell a property in France by area in 2025 Some major cities have seen a significant increase in time to finalise a sale in comparison to 2024
news Senator bids to ban new second homes in several areas - how would it work? ‘These areas are out of control’ says the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of housing who is supporting the idea
Home insurance rises depend your area of France: Where is most affected? The cost of insurance policies is set to rise by as much as 12% in some cities
Many French property energy efficiency ratings now out of date: How to check yours The change will affect you if you plan to sell or rent a property
MAP: How much can you negotiate off a property purchase in France in 2025? Chances of a successful offer vary considerably depending on the region
Property slump eases in France but sellers still need to be patient The drop in prices is steadying but the situation is not the same across the country
Small increase in notaire fees for property buyers expected in France The fee is expected to generate revenue of €30 million a year to fight against coastal erosion
More owners will pay French empty home tax in December 2024 The criteria for charging the taxe sur les logements vacants (TLV) were extended last year
Marseille looks to be latest French city to crackdown on Airbnb rentals Mayor of the city also plans to ‘wage war on slum landlords’, and improve social housing
Financial help is available for workers who move in France The aid available depends on your income, family size, and reason for moving
MAP: see where property prices have dropped the most in Paris Drops of around 10% (up to €1,100 less per m2 in real terms) have been seen in several arrondissements. Only one has not seen a significant drop
Where in France are people now negotiating most off a property? Some towns are seeing price drops of 9% Interest rates for loans to buy property in France continue to fall PHOTO: The French chateau for sale for… €425 million How much can property buyers in France negotiate down prices in 2024?
La Rochelle, Antibes, Paris: The most expensive streets in France Highest property prices in cities and towns revealed in new report French property watch: Why buy in Mayenne and what prices to expect House hunters in France ignore flood risks for better location American buyers help French chateau market avoid downturn €20,000 houses, rural French lifestyle: why buy in Haute-Marne? Americans flock to buy in Paris, spending a median of €715,000
3, 4, 5%?: what drop in French property prices is expected this year? A price fall is ‘the last and only lever’ to restart the declining property market, say industry experts
French property watch: Marne offers proximity to Paris and champagne House prices are high in Reims but bargains can be found elsewhere in the north-eastern department
French property watch: farmhouses and ferry links in Manche, Normandy The department is home to ferry port Cherbourg and property bargains can still be found if you want a renovation project
Five key factors affecting property price drops in France We spoke to estate agent bosses about how the fall in prices is set to continue but less so in rural areas
Property watch France: Why buy in Maine-et-Loire and prices to expect The department has pleasant, prosperous medium-sized towns with good road and rail links
From +12% to -9.8%: how French property prices have changed in year Many areas have seen values drop but the south shows continued growth, a new notaires' report shows
French MP seeks new way to pause second-home sales capital gains tax The proposal to encourage owners to sell and free up property for main homes was initially rejected but is likely to get a second chance in spring
12 key Q&As for anyone selling a property in France Documents, charges, capital gains, notaires…we answer key questions
Is now the right time to buy or sell property in France? Experts give their opinion as a drop in house prices is predicted and sales volumes fall
Timing is key when buying French coastal apartments A study shows buyers could avoid soaring prices by waiting for a sufficient number of newly developed properties to be sold first
Rural house prices boost, €12,000 homes: five French property updates Plus Matisse’s former flat up for sale, France’s rent cap extended and food waste bins mandatory in flats from next year
French property watch: Why buy in Loire-Atlantique and average prices We look at what the department has to offer and how much you get for your money
French property updates: Point system to limit second homes, form tips We also look at a couple’s issues over the ‘delivery guarantee’ for a newly built home and the continuing row over cooking smells from a crêperie
Latest data on how house prices have changed in your corner of France New figures show a drop in values in the north of France. Price growth elsewhere has slowed
Swimming pool still adds value to French property despite droughts An increased selling price might look attractive but do not forget running costs, increased taxes and water bans
Warning for homeowners in France as monthly property prices fall Tourist hotspots and the second-home market are the exceptions as property values dip across all other sectors
Seven property trends highlighted by latest French notaire data Property prices rise across France, Paris bucks apartments trend and first-time buyers struggle
MAP: See where house prices have risen the most in France Price increases in all departments, reaching 25% in one the latest notaire data shows
Quirky property: Family turn laboratory into cut-price home near Paris Change of use needed and a flood risk - how a 1980s lab offered a cheaper way to set up home in the French capital’s suburbs
French property market: what notaires and experts expect for 2023 A good energy-efficiency rating has become a sought-after factor, linked to high electricity prices
Price negotiation, free electricity: Five French property updates We also look at ownership rules after 30 years of non-contested use of a piece of land or property and efforts to sell Johnny Hallyday’s house
Why French property prices are expected to fall 5-10% in 2023 People will find it more difficult to buy and sell their homes as a dynamic property market stalls, inflation affects spending power and mortgage rates increase
French property watch: Why buy in Jura and what prices to expect The department’s spectacular valleys, lakes and mountains make it popular with outdoor enthusiasts and second-homers
House prices, empty homes tax, energy concerns: French property update We also look at liability when building work goes wrong and the French city that has made private outdoor space obligatory in new apartments
Detached French house to be auctioned with reserve price of €8,000 The Oise property, which is said to require some renovation work, is being sold in a judicial auction, in which members of the public can bid through a lawyer
French property watch: More new builds than bargains in affluent Isère Plots of land are widely advertised in this popular department – but you’ll need deep pockets
French property sales: Why do some listings not have energy ratings? We look at the meaning of the terms ‘non soumis à DPE’, ‘DPE non fourni’ and ‘DPE vierge’
MAP: Latest house price rises in France - how has your area fared? Some areas have seen increases of 17% and even 22% in a year, the latest data from notaires shows
Seven key points from latest notaire data on French property sales The report shows that house sales in France are starting to steady although some areas have seen 17% plus price rises in a year
MAP: See where apartment prices have risen the most in France The apartment market in Paris has remained fairly consistent but other areas have boomed, the latest data from notaires shows
French property watch: Indre-et-Loire champions finer things in life From exquisite chateaux to ‘the most bourgeois city in France’, nothing about this department is mundane
Small towns escape price rise slowdown: French property market trends Some smaller towns are still seeing rises of almost 20% in a year. We also look at the effect of energy ratings on the market
Home energy efficiency: Key dates for property owners in France Use our easy-read timeline to see the dates which may affect the sale or rental of your property depending on its energy efficiency rating
Can I pull out of a house sale in France after making a written offer? We look into whether purchasers who have signed a formal offre d’achat can cancel without consequences if they have a change of heart
French property watch: Indre has aeronautics without sky-high prices The aviation industry keeps on growing but houses here remain affordable, especially in the countryside
See the French cities where properties sell quickest (and slowest) Covid has had an impact on the length of time it takes for properties to be snapped up. Our table shows that evolution in 50 of the country’s biggest cities
Map: Where rural French house prices have risen (and fallen) the most The Covid pandemic led to a boom in countryside house sales – we look at how prices have been affected
Property watch: Hérault - good value houses away from Montpellier Charles de Gaulle turned a swampy department into a holiday playground with the fastest growing population in France in the last 50 years
‘Slowdown ahead’: Five French property trends from latest notaire data France’s notaires network warns of a potential property market slowdown linked to high inflation in the coming months
French property watch: High class living in Gers Immensely popular among Britons, this department offers all the delights of small-village lifestyle
Energy certificate rules could see house prices fall in France The Paris market is most likely to be hit by new regulations, which might see landlords selling on properties with low ratings rather than trying to improve them
Can I buy a house in France that is not for sale? We look into whether this is possible and whether there is an official way to register interest in a property that is not on the market
How do I set a fair price on my French house that I want to sell? For years, only tax officers and notaires had access to government databases recording property transactions to see sale prices but this has now changed
French property watch: Gard - new destination for early retirees With typical Mediterranean features, this department is becoming more and more popular among those looking to enjoy their golden years
Sales, cheap château, rent: Five updates for property owners in France In our weekly roundup we also look at the rules for building a wall, fence or hedge and how to apply for planning permission online
House prices soar in France: ‘Covid effect’ leads to property shortage A new study suggests that a 22% drop in the availability of properties for sale since the start of the pandemic has caused prices to rise
French village sells houses with 25% discount by raffle draw The €300,000 family homes are part of a local initiative to make housing for locals more affordable in the area
Haggling, insurance, leaks: Five updates for property owners in France We look at where buyers are able to get better prices, where the cheapest insurance policies are – hint, it is not Paris – and a jail sentence for building a chalet illegally
Bargain homes: Eight properties for less than €50,000 in France A houseboat, a cottage, a mobile home and a charming country house are all within budget
Second homes, price rises: Four updates for property owners in France We look at how Brexit has affected the British market and big increase in property prices in the west of the country
MAPS: How rent prices vary between France’s major cities Paris, unsurprisingly, is the most expensive - and Saint-Etienne the least expensive
How to know which French housing zone you live in and what it changes The zones reflect how competitive the local property market is and can lead to differences in your eligibility for certain benefits
Shared walls, €7,800 house, notaire fees: Five French property updates We look at a court ruling on who owns walls on the edge of properties, tips to reduce notaire fees and a very low priced house in Brittany that had buyers scrambling to bid
Latest notaire data: Where are property prices rising most in France? Full property figures have been released for the third quarter of 2021, showing trends, the effect of Brexit, projections and more. Several areas saw double figure rises
Where do you find the cheapest second homes in France? The largest group of non-French homeowners (all homes) are the British, who own 86,000 second homes in France
Second homes in France: Where is most popular? The Haute-Alpes has the highest percentage of French-owned second homes, with the Var the most popular department in absolute terms - but Paris most impacted by “the Airbnb effect”, figures show.
Selling a second home in France: What has Brexit changed? French Tax Online outlines how Britons owning a property in France that is not their primary residence will be affected if they decide to sell
French property news: Our December 2021 round-up From how buyers can save money on notaires’ fees, to new charges for people refusing a ‘Linky’ meter and changes to the Pinel buy-to-let scheme… our pick of recent news and updates
Property prices falling in Paris as buyer priorities change A ‘two tier’ market is emerging depending on the type of property, estate agents say, with fears over energy costs and a rise in people leaving Paris also having an impact
Property prices in France up 7.4% on average in a year Non new-build houses outside of Paris have seen the biggest price increases due to the ‘longevity of remote working’ since the start of the health crisis