Foreign workers in France may struggle to close self-employment accounts Discover solutions for closing an Urssaf social security account if you lack French ID
Micro-entrepreneur status: Pros and cons of self-employment in France We review the benefits and disadvantages of being a micro-entrepreneur compared to a salaried worker
Explainer: which self-employment visa to live and work in France? We look at visa applications for the self-employed, business start-ups and talent passports
practical New website offers free help to start your own business in France Market research and an income guide are two ways the online platform can support entrepreneurs
Millions of workers in France can receive up to €600 a month in aid The Prime d’activité is open to salaried staff and freelancers - we look at who is eligible and how to apply
New website for self-employed in France shows ‘no common sense’ Union des Auto-Entrepreneurs criticises online ‘one-stop shop’ and how some self-employed missed out on social charges help
Undeclared self-employment earnings cost France €7billion a year Two out of three ‘auto-entrepreneurs’ such as Uber drivers and builders work ‘on the black’, new figures show
How death benefits work for family of self-employed workers in France We explain what a typical lump sum payout might amount to, as well as what happens in the case of salaried people and civil servants, and how to claim
Social charges, sick leave, SMIC: Change for workers in France in 2023 We also look at how the self-employed will receive more support and how unemployment benefits are changing
Phased retirement in France - how to claim your pension early Self-employed and salaried alike are eligible for retraite progressive , which came into force earlier this year
Two million independent workers in France to see social charges drop Artisans, salespeople, heads of businesses, farmers and micro-entrepreneurs are among those to benefit dependent on their income
Insurance clarified for self-employed workers in France Cover can be for everything from civil responsibility to cyber attacks – and now it has all been detailed in a legal manual
Self-employed in France: Should I bill client for travel costs? You may want to consider splitting the cost of the tax and social charges between the two of you
Self-employed status in France must be on invoices and bank accounts Urssaf says independent workers can only benefit from new legal protection if status is on work-related documents Can self-employed workers in France diversify from stated activity? Are self-employed workers entitled to additional training in France? Self-employed workers in France to be given improved asset protection
20 proposals put forward to improve status of self-employed in France Improved social protection, taxes and simplified administrative procedures are among ledges from the government for 2022 A million workers may miss out on €100 French inflation bonus Can I still get financial aid to cover coronavirus losses? How do taxes work for non-French owners when running a gîte? Self-employed in France? Tax and social charge declarations simplified Up to €8,000 available for self-employed in France
France gives financial aid to self-employed Self-employed workers in France can now claim financial aid for losses incurred due to Covid-19 for the month of June 2020. We explain the process.
Small business and tax advice: régime réel incomes explained In the June small business and tax advice column, a reader's question on régime réel incomes for the self-employed is answered.
Self-publishers, try your book in French 'aussi' Ask almost any author and they will tell you it is tough to find an agent or a publisher these days, however good your book is.
Are France’s ESF ski instructors state workers? Are ESF ski instructors state workers or, if not, are they officially regulated? J.A.
Loi Madelin policies for the self-employed in France? What are the Loi Madelin insurance policies for the self-employed?
Online Ecommerce Business for sale Sponsored content: Running this established online business would suit an expat as it can be run remotely from anywhere in the world or it would suit a UK resident
Training to prepare British workers in France A business expert who is studying the impact of Brexit in south west France is organising Prépa-Brexit training for Britons.
Chômage changes help self-employed in France As an independent worker in France, I believe I do not have any right to unemployment benefit, but that this is changing. When will it happen and how will it work? Is it definite? How will the amount we receive be worked out? J.S.
How self-employed can access training Can you outline the training changes that begin in 2019 – I am an English teacher (self-employed) and hope to benefit from them?
Authors who ‘do a Mayle’ continue to sell... and sell It has been a literary phenomenon for nearly 30 years, but readers cannot get enough of uplifting personal French adventures telling, essentially, the same story as Peter Mayle did
Avoid driving into fine double trouble Self-employed people and owners of small businesses without employees could find themselves in double trouble if they have a company car and are caught speeding or receive a fine for a traffic offence.
Simpler future ahead for the self-employed Self-employed workers will see significant changes next year as traders, artisans and private practice professionals switch from the much-criticised Régime Social des Indépendants (RSI) social security scheme to that of salaried workers, the régime général.
Rule changes coming in Two changes are coming in that will affect the revenue declarations and sick pay of self-employed workers such as artisans, sole traders, liberal professions or freelancers.