Map shows average income of households near you in France Compare your income and standard of living with others in your area, and in the rest of the country
Where are you paid the most in France (out of Paris)? A new ranking looks at pay differences and includes an average hourly rate for white- and blue-collar workers by department
What people in France earn and own - new official figures Statistics show households’ ‘gross wealth’ and the effect of inheritance and property
news How does average wealth in France compare with the UK? A recent study puts France ahead of most countries
How much must you earn to be officially rich in France? And at what level of income are you considered to be poor
Do you agree? Flawed trickle-down economics at odds with French values Columnist Nick Inman digs into why many French people are sceptical that tax breaks for the wealthy will benefit society
Go west: why the wealthy shun the east of town in France Learn the historical and industrial factors behind the geographic divide between the rich and poor in French towns
$193bn: how did this French businessman get so rich? Bernard Arnault frequently beats Elon Musk to ‘world’s richest man’ title, we look at his complex relationship with France and what he owns
How well off are people in France? New studies try to find out Studies by the prime minister’s office attempt to answer why and how people’s spending varies and find that people in Paris earn more but are less well-off overall
Typical wealth of people in France revealed: Where do you fall? France is said to be among the most well-off countries in the world, with a higher median wealth per person than, for example, those in Germany and the US
How much do you need to earn to count as rich in France? Around 4.5 million people fall within this rich line threshold in France, which equates to seven per cent of the population
It is claimed the French do not care about money – but is it true? The French admire successful entrepreneurs –rather than those with inherited wealth – but disapprove of flaunting wealth
Nabila Ramdani: French prefer to be "well off, not rich" Award-winning journalist and regular columnist Nabila Ramdani explains why "most in France like to be well off – but not stinking rich".
IFI property tax 'could be abolished' The controversial IFI property wealth tax which replaced the ISF wealth tax this year could be abolished if the government believes it does not work, a government spokesman has admitted. India overtakes France MPs 'repeal and replace' ISF wealth tax Being chic is a low priority here
Rich get (much) richer in rich list The owner of the luxury goods company LVMH, Bernard Arnault, is the richest person in France with a net worth estimated at €46.9billion. Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed Labrador Tag Feed