Letters: Waste collection in France needs a rethink

Connexion reader says the complex system means rubbish builds up and dogs attack the bins

Trash and recycling
France has introduced several more complex recycling rules in recent years

To the Editor,

I agree with your recent correspondent there is a problem with recycling in France. 

Food waste is taken every week but we cannot put the food in a biodegradable bag so bits are always left behind. 

Meanwhile, dogs often attack the yellow bags with plastic recycling in, but we are not allowed to put the bags in a bin to protect them as the collectors are not allowed to open bins. 

So when the dogs get the bags, rubbish is thrown everywhere. 

Read more: Bin collections in western France changed amid cross-border dumping row

General rubbish is okay but now only collected nine times a year without extra payment

Garden cuttings have to go to the déchèterie, whereas in the UK these were collected -you paid for a bin and every 14 days it was picked up.

As we are not allowed to burn it in France, this would be a great solution. 

Iris Morris, by email

How have you adapted to cater to France's recycling rules? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com